I've said it before and
I'll say it again, one of the better aspects of Korea is the food.
You wouldn't believe the variety, presentation, and flavors you can
encounter. My recent lunch was the delicacy known as Fugu, or
Japanese puffer fish. Fish is fish, right? Not this time. According
to medical toxicity reports, "Fugu contains lethal amounts of
the poison tetrodotoxin in its organs, especially the liver, the
ovaries, and the skin. The poison, a sodium channel blocker,
paralyzes the muscles while the victim stays fully conscious. The
victim is unable to breathe, and eventually dies from asphyxiation.
There is no known antidote." So this was no ordinary lunch,
this was a delicious stare down between the Grim Reaper and myself.
When ordering, I opted to
go with a heaping serving of numerous fish boiled in a stew of
greens, mushrooms and sprouts. The fish was left on the bone with
its vivid yellow, green, and blue skin intact. While at the dining
table I tried recalling which part of the puffer fish contained the
insidious poison. Was it the bones? The organs? The skin? I spent
what felt like an hour before that first bite attempting to remember
then realizing that I had no idea; none what-so-ever. So in a hasty
panic I did the only thing that I came to mind...I ate it. All of it. Every last bite. I have a hard time turning down food, I hate
wasting it, and frankly, I was starving by this point. Of course
once I got started I was caught up in the taste and had to finish.
Now the looming question is
how long before the poison kills me? Hopefully my chef knew what he
was doing and wasn't having an off day. By the time you read this I
could be undergoing seizures, paralyzed, or deceased. If my next
entry doesn't come soon, you may as well assume the worst. Feel free
to comment though, I might be paralyze but we've established that
I'll remain conscious and able to read any epitaphs written in my
honor. At least it was a unique and savory meal to go out on.
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