Saturday, January 12, 2013

I'm Much Too Old to Act this Damn Young

      It's been a few days since my last update but I'll use the "I've been so busy at working towards my New Year's resolution" excuse. I have been at the gym constantly and successfully made changes to my diet. How are you doing with your resolutions? Anyone hoping to get into better shape? Well here's what I use for motivation. If these people are strong enough to achieve such wonderful change, then so are you! No excuses for 2013.
      I know what you're saying though..."Ryan! You're skinny and don't have to lose weight to get in shape and blah, blah, blah." I told you that I'm making big changes as well. I eat two or three salads a day. Let me say that again – I EAT TWO OR THREE SALADS A DAY! If you know me at all, your jaw is on the floor right now. So yes, I'm willing to tackle even the toughest of obstacles.
      As for lessons learned, I was at the gym a few nights ago doing a hellacious leg workout when one of the male trainers and his workout partner start their leg routine as well. There's a female trainer who always flirts with me and a Korean kid that I've befriended there too. Well the male trainer and his friend get on the leg press machine and rack it up with 120 kilos (264 lbs). They hit it a few times and decide it's time to step up the intensity. The female trainer sits on top the rack for added weight as each guy attempts a few squats. After the two guys, she looks at me and tells me to come over and try. Clearly, an hour into my workout, my legs are exhausted and using my common sense, I politely decline. Wait, no, that didn't happen. Fueled by testosterone and four Koreans staring at me, of course I take a seat ready to squat until my quads bleed. The female trainer says to try five reps so I obviously want to go for eight or nine. As my wobbly legs hit the ninth rep, she says to try for number ten which mean I now need to go for fifteen. The good news is I got it. The bad news is it's five days later and my legs still feel like jello.
      What is it about my brain that still thinks I'm 18 or 21? I'm only months away from 30 but I sure don't act like it. And none of this was really to impress the girl. I had to prove that I was more masculine than the three guys watching this old white guy. Basically I did it for America! It's times like that when I could use a girlfriend to slap some sense into me. I feel like that's one way to straighten me up. I know that having any of my guy friends there wouldn't have helped. Being cut from the same cloth, they'd have done it as well.

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