Tuesday, October 27, 2015


     I'll attempt to explain this the best I can...my life is plagued by self-questioning. "Why", "What", and "When" are relentless; my head continuously attempts to process sentences beginning with these words. Easy enough you say...

     False. Not for me, though I wouldn't expect most to understand. I can't get out of my own way sometimes. I have knee-jerk reactions to the emotions that I get tangled in. I make rash decisions. I wear my heart on my sleeve. To those who know me, it's no secret as to what plagues me.

     So here I sit as a consequence to one of these absurd decisions made in utter disregard, in a claustrophobia-inducing, concrete-walled hotel room in central Bangkok, Thailand. Hot, dingy, humid, stagnant, crowded, seedy Thailand. And no, not on a vacation either. My bags fully packed; in the midst of moving here. Family, friends, and a well-paying job left behind. Oops. Seems like insane decision, no? At the moment, I'd struggle to disagree.

      Here's where you'll ask "Why??". Please don't add to my already-overwhelming list of questions. Believe me, I've watched the pages fall from the wall as the days, months, years pass in anticipation of an epiphany and still...nothing. If forced to respond, I'll hastily say "Why not?", fully aware that this is nothing more than the cheapest rationalization available.

     I've been here before though...and likely will be again. While it may make more sense to claim this is a new vinyl entirely, it honestly feels comfortably more like I've yet to completely listen to the previous album. So why not revisit this familiar and seemingly inevitable theme?

     I'll remain here, on Side B, while these songs are still stimulating. Perhaps in the near future, I'll stumble upon the completely new sound that'll be the next album.

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