Fortune is an odd universal concept to me. Good fortune especially; what a foreign idea. Typically, I feel like a walking example of Murphy's Law. But during this brief residence in Bangkok I have yet to get lost, pick-pocketed, mugged by a monkey, get in a bar fight, lose a finger, or become the damsel in distress of
Taken 4. Actually, it's been quite the opposite. I suppose I could argue that I've been blessed.
One of these blessings have been the strangers I've met. I really couldn't have been more lucky with meeting the most sincere, intelligent, and good-natured people. This all began one night at the Suda Palace Hotel. While downstairs in the lobby, a conversation was struck between a few Thai teachers and myself, and I took a seat on the bench for the piano near our gathering. Naturally the question of "Do you play?" arose followed by my response of "Only a little." with the hope of the conversation moving along. It didn't. Somehow I became the evening entertainment for the entire lobby; its staff and its guests.
During my set list, down wandered Amanda – one of many
farang (foreigners) – looking for the just the slightest signal of Wi-Fi. You'd think that a developing country in Asia wouldn't have any issue with the internet. Wrong. It's spotty at best. Looking for some solitude to write, little did Amanda know that she was walking into a piano-fueled cacophony. Fortunately for her, I didn't entertain the Thai teachers much longer so the peace and quiet she was searching for became available. A conversation was struck based on mutual interests – writing, art, music – and a kindred spirit was found. A friend made.
Left to Right - Katy, Amanda, Kelly |
My new friendship with Amanda offered the opportunity to meet the others that would be sent to the town of Khon Kaen with her. Kelly, Rebecca, and Katy completed this Fantastic Four. All of whom are strong, independent, talented, intelligent, self-identifying feminists. They each offered varying personality traits however. Optimism, sarcasm, patience, intuition. This connection came to fruition after a mishap involving my luggage being accidental stolen. Once I tracked it down, I landed at the same hostel as the girls. Over the span of a few days, conversations were had that offered intrigue, challenges, insight, and enlightenment. Opportunities that I sincerely appreciated. How often does one truly get a chance to establish genuine relationships, especially in what could be considered a dire or isolated scenario?
Kelly and Rebecca |
As our time together ended and we went our separate ways, but not before discussing America's Northern states versus its Southern states, vegetarianism, gender roles, animal rights, contemporary music and art, and humanity. I can only hope that I've offered them a fraction of what they given me. Perhaps our paths will cross again in Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Sakon Nakhon, or somewhere in between. Thanks always; it is much appreciated.
Katy, Thai Guy, Kelly, Amanda |
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