Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Presents in Winter...and Spring?

      As of this moment, I have 9 more days of school until my winter vacation. This is the first vacation our school has had since the middle of July. Personally I feel that that's far too many consecutive days of school but a business is a business, and it must make money. I was told a few weeks ago that I'd have December 19th off due to Korea's presidential election. The exciting news is that there's the very real possibility that Korea may be on the cusp of electing its first female president (despite her father being a not-so-popular president in the 1970's). The bad news is that I no longer have the day off. The school's director called around to other hagwons (private schools) after catching word that a one or two of them will remain open. Once again, being a business, she decided to cancel the holiday and remain open as well. If I were one of the Korean teachers I'd be highly upset that my right to vote was taken away from me. Besides, isn't democracy what separates us from North Korea?
     The five days off for winter will be incredible in their own right however. Coupled with the fact that my brother and our friend will be joining me out here makes it all the better. The potential for good conversation, uncontrollable laughter, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences keep me longing for Christmas Eve - the date they arrive. It'll make for a fantastic Christmas present. And as if that isn't exciting enough, good fortune will shine on me once more in the Spring when I receive a special visit from my mother. That's right, all my persuasive attempts have paid off. She'll get to experience what Korea has to offer from March 25th until April 1st. Unfortunately I will be working during this time so she won't be able to see as much as I'd like her to. However, she will get to experience the education system out here by accompanying me to school. For this, I have apologized in advance.

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