Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Abroad For A New Year - Redux

      Please bear with me for a momentary flashback...

"Dear 2013,

      As we, humanity, approach your commencement, many will reflect on the previous year and how we've lived our lives. We'll make resolutions and are determined to live better as soon as you begin. This process seems to involve a sense of refocusing on things that are important to us so that when we come to your end, we'll look upon you more favorably than previous years. That's a lot of pressure and for that, I'm sorry. It's just that we feel you hovering out there in our consciousness, but know little about you. We're certainly aware that your debut is always in style, on the same night of the year, and that the other 364 nights serve as your denouement. After all is said and done on this night though, the majority may be left unsatisfied and let down. And sadly enough, the rest of your days won't be any better for you. Get ready for the onslaught of resolutions and the heavy burden of blame when if our diets, planned personality changes, and new found ambitions go south. That's not your fault though. We humans are clingy - we need life rafts, whether real or imagined – and when we go down, we take you with us. The good news is that humanity has a short attention span – I'm certain that most can't remember the promises of last year – so you'll receive forgiveness (unfortunately by eventually being forgotten).

      So rather than blaming you 2013, I hope that humanity tries taking our desires and ambitions seriously, whether our resolutions are as lofty as world peace or as humble as smiling more on a daily basis. As an unintended consequence of running away, I've been blessed enough to have a head start on finding the inspiration and emotional wherewithal to (hopefully) follow through on my hazy scheme for self-improvement. Here's to finding optimism, forgiveness, love, and resolve during your reign 2013."

      I wrote that on the final day of 2012. After digging it up and re-reading it, I find it humorous that I'm back in the same situation – abroad again, searching for purpose, and spending New Years in heavy reflection. I do however believe that it was meaningful then, and now that we are rapidly approaching 2016, continues to be. My intention is to spend the last days of 2015 and firsts of 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia reflecting existentially on all things that this annual clean slate brings. Photographs will surely follow shortly thereafter.

      Pertaining to the passing of time, opportunities, taking risks, and regret, here are some thought-provoking words that I frequently ponder –

"Sometimes I can feel my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
   Jonathan Safran Foer   Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

"Our lives are defined by opportunities...even the ones we miss."
   Eric Roth   The Curious Case of Benjamin Button screenplay

"And meanwhile, time goes about its immemorial work of making everyone look and feel like shit."
   Martin Amis   London Fields

      So what value do you instill in this fresh beginning? Have a happy New Years!

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