Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I believe the Doobie Bros. proclaimed that music is the doctor

      Taking a momentary break from the good, the bad, and the ugly, I just wanted it to be known that I couldn't say there aren't things that I miss or desire without it being a lie.  While I am having a great time as of now, there are certain things that seem worlds away that I wish weren't.  Emotions, foods, tactile sensations, sights, and of course specific people.  Well one of those voids has been filled and this makes me content for tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Ryan, sorry we missed your going away party. If my memory serves me, we were dealing with the death of Kathy's mother.
    We will be at the welcome home party.

    We are so proud of you. It's been a great experience watching you grow up into the fine man you are.

    I worked in Africa a couple of times and was an interesting sociological / cultural lesson to observe the customs of the indigenous cultures.
    Good Luck.
    Have Fun and just soak it in....the good, the bad and the ugly.
