Friday, October 5, 2012

And Tonight's Top 10 List...

      In keeping with the theme of ignoring chronology and fresh off the heels of a great Skype session with both of my parents - where we were actually able to sit down for conversation rather than constantly running in and out of the frame or get a mere 5 minutes of face time - I've decided to compile a top 10 list of reasons why they should visit me over Christmas - in no particular order:
     1.  When else would you have the chance to be housed in great conditions for absolutely no cost? A fully furnished living room/bedroom, stocked kitchen, and bathroom with all amenities available for an unlimited amount of time.
     2.  Because I'll actually be granted a few days off. So rather than visiting at any other time where I'd be at school for a minimum of 9 and 1/2 hours of the day and left with very little afterwards, we'd have a great deal more time to enjoy together. 
     3.  The inconceivable history of this place. From kings and emperors thousands of years ago to the Korean war in the early 1950's, there's something unbelievable for any and everyone.
     4.  Cause it may be your only chance to step foot inside a Buddhist temple on the rocky coast of the Pacific Ocean and realize that it's impossible to have any more goosebumps covering your skin.
     5.  To let me take care of and provide you with everything as repayment for putting up with me raising me. We could have a Cajun Christmas in the Orient!
      And now a few reasons specific to each of them:
     6.  The food. To experience the spices and cooking methods of traditional Korean cuisine. The method of open grilling, the heavy use of garlic and onions (any Cajun cook's best friends), the spicy peppers. The opportunity to try (or not try) some of the most peculiar things to ever grace a restaurant menu.
     7.  Bass fishing. How nice would it be to say that you caught a bass not only in a different state, not only in a different country, but in a different continent all together?! I wonder if tequila sunrise worms and chartreuse and white spinner baits work over here.
     8.  To get out of the comfort zone. Years ago we took the trip of a lifetime to Switzerland thanks to you, and I've never been the same. It was utterly awe-inspiring. None of us are getting any younger so why not partake in at least one more challenges before taking off your boots and kicking up your feet permanently at New Arbor Lake?
     9.  To experience the perplexing, chaotic, frustrating, draining, and (sometimes) rewarding days at Worwick Franklin Language Institute.
     10.  Because I know you want to. Somewhere deep down inside is a little bit of Capt. Jack Browne and the desire to experience the world is in your DNA (mine too).

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